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The Week in Breach News: 10/09/24 – 10/15/24

October 16, 2024

This week: A new cybercrime gang hits the scene with a spate of attacks; ADT is breached another time in just two months; six new Canada- and New Zealand-centered phishing simulations; and how IT professionals can help businesses build a strong cybersecurity culture.

Read this week’s feature story: Cybersecurity Success Starts With a Strong Security Culture

What challenges will IT pros face in the second half of 2024? Find out in the Mid-Year Cyber Risk Report. GET IT>>

Fidelity Investments

Exploit: Credential Compromise

Industry: Finance

cybersecurity news represented by agauge showing severe risk

Fidelity Investments has reported a data breach to Maine’s attorney general. The filing revealed that over 77,000 customers’ personal information, including Social Security numbers and driver’s licenses, was compromised between August 17 and 19, 2024. The breach occurred through two newly established customer accounts, though Fidelity did not explain how these accounts accessed other customers’ data. Fidelity stopped the breach on August 19. The impacted clients, only a small portion of Fidelity’s 51.5 million customers, are being offered 24 months of free credit monitoring and identity restoration services.

How It Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: a data breach that exposes even a small set of a company’s data can still be expensive and impact operations.

Kaseya to the Rescue: Learn to mitigate a company’s risk of damage from often email-based cyberattacks like ransomware in A Comprehensive Guide to Email-based Cyberattacks. GET THE GUIDE>>


Exploit: Credential Compromise

Industry: Security

cybersecurity news gauge indicating extreme risk

Security titan ADT has experienced another data breach. The company said that this breach was caused by credentials that were stolen from a third-party business partner. Those credentials then enabled threat actors to breach ADT’s systems. The company disclosed that it is investigating the incident with third-party cybersecurity experts. As part of its investigations, it was determined that encrypted account data for employees was stolen in the attack. This is ADT’s second breach in the past two months after a late August 2024 leak of an estimated 38K customer records. No ransomware gangs or other threat actors have claimed responsibility for the attack.  

How It Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: A data breach two months in a row can seriously undermine a company’s reputation and impact its business relationships.

Kaseya to the Rescue:  Learn about the factors that have shaped cybersecurity in 2024 and be ready for what’s next with the knowledge you’ll gain from our Midyear Cyber-risk Report 2024. GET REPORT>>

American Water

Exploit: Hacking

Industry: Utility

cybersecurity news gauge indicating extreme risk

American Water, the largest US water utility, disclosed a cyberattack affecting internal systems on October 3. The company, which serves over 14 million people across 14 states, said that it acted quickly to secure its networks and confirmed that its water and wastewater facilities remain fully operational. There was no interruption in service. While assessing the breach’s scope, American Water has disconnected certain systems and suspended customer billing, assuring customers they won’t incur late fees. No cybercrime group has claimed responsibility. 

How It Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: Attacks on critical infrastructure like utilities that can impact service delivery are a terrifying prospect in the digital age.

Kaseya to the Rescue: See how an antiphishing solution that leverages AI and automation can help businesses stop phishing economically. DOWNLOAD EBOOK>>

Is building an in-house SOC a smart move? Our whitepaper breaks down the costs. READ IT>>

Australia – Funlab

Exploit: Ransomware

Industry: Entertainment

cybersecurity news represented by a gauge indicating moderate risk

Australian entertainment company Funlab has confirmed a ransomware attack after being listed by the Lynx gang, a suspected rebranding of the INC Ransomware on its leak site. The company said that the incident took place between September 20 and 22. Funlab does not believe guest data has been accessed, and the leak was limited to current and former employees. While Lynx hasn’t disclosed the ransom or data volume stolen, they posted screenshots and documents as proof, revealing folders like Payroll, Finance and Gsuite Backup. Leaked files include budget spreadsheets and internal communications. Funlab operates a variety of entertainment venues including Strike Bowling.

How It Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: Entertainment venues are just as likely to experience a cyber attack or data breach as any other business.

Kaseya to the Rescue:  Our infographic walks you through exactly how security awareness training prevents phishing from hooking unsuspecting employees. DOWNLOAD IT>>

Australia – Perfection Fresh

Exploit: Ransomware

Industry: Agriculture

cybersecurity news represented by a gauge indicating moderate risk

Australian produce company Perfection Fresh has been listed by the Sarcoma ransomware group, one of three Australian victims in 24 hours. Sarcoma claims to have stolen 690GB of data, including files and SQL databases and has leaked internal documents as proof. While no ransom demand has been made public, Perfection Fresh has confirmed the breach. Perfection Fresh said that it has informed the Australian Cyber Security Centre and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. 

How it Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: Food distributors are critical infrastructure just like everything else agricultural, and they need to be serious about cybersecurity.

Kaseya to the Rescue: Are you taking advantage of the amazing benefits you get when you combine RocketCyber Managed SOC and Datto EDR? This product brief outlines them all! DOWNLOAD IT>>

Australia – The Plastic Bag Company

Exploit: Ransomware

Industry: Manufacturing

cybersecurity news represented by a gauge indicating moderate risk

Sydney-based manufacturer The Plastic Bag Company suffered a data breach, with the up-and-coming ransomware group Sarcoma ransomware group claiming to have stolen 3.6GB of data. The company’s website has also been knocked offline. Sarcoma has leaked documents, including tax returns, wage details, insurance records and passport scans from Australian and New Zealand nationals. The gang threatens to release the full data in 26 days, though no ransom has been specified.

How it Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: A cyberattack can lead to more than just data theft including a ripple effect of damage and negative consequences.

Kaseya to the Rescue:  Learn about five ways that businesses may be in danger of trouble from the dark web in an infographic that’s also perfect for sharing on social media! DOWNLOAD IT>>


Learn how to minimize phishing risk with AI & automation in The Anti-phishing Email Security Buyer’s Guide GET IT>>

 Japan – Game Freak

Exploit: Hacking

Industry: Entertainment

cybersecurity news represented by agauge showing severe risk

Game Freak, the developer behind the Pokémon video games confirmed a major data breach affecting over 2,000 current and former employees. A wide array of information was shared on a forum called r/PokeLeaks including employee information, development documents, source code and art. The incident has been dubbed the “TeraLeak,” Game Freak said in a statement that the breach occurred due to unauthorized server access in August 2024.

How it Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: A cyberattack that allows bad actors to get their hands on intellectual property can lead to a cascade of headaches and lost revenue for the victim company.

Kaseya to the Rescue: Run more effective security awareness and phishing resistance campaigns with this infographic featuring 10 expert tips to maximize your training programs. DOWNLOAD IT>>

Japan – Casio

Exploit: Ransomware

Industry: Technology

cybersecurity news represented by agauge showing severe risk

Casio has confirmed that it experienced a ransomware attack earlier this month, with personal and confidential data of employees, job candidates and some customers stolen. Disclosed Monday, the attack caused system disruptions and outages. The Underground ransomware group claimed responsibility. The compromised data includes personal details of Casio employees, business partners, job candidates and customers, along with contracts, financial data and internal documents. Casio clarified that customer payment information and systems like CASIO ID and were unaffected, as they are hosted separately.

How it Could Affect Your Customers’ Business: This wide variety of personal and financial data could be very profitable for cybercriminals.

Kaseya to the Rescue: A bewildering array of acronyms are used for cybersecurity technologies. This infographic breaks down six of them. DOWNLOAD IT>> 

dark web threats represented by a hacker in a hoodie shrouded in shadows with faint binary code

Find out about five of today’s biggest dark web threats to businesses in this infographic. DOWNLOAD IT>>

Read this week’s feature story: Cybersecurity Success Starts With a Strong Security Culture

In today’s turbulent cybersecurity landscape, cyber resilience must be a priority for every company. A strong cybersecurity culture is the foundation on which a resilient, robust defense is built. Take a look at the many ways MSPs and IT professionals can assist businesses in implementing the right technologies while also building a vibrant cybersecurity culture. 


Check out six new Canada-and New-Zealand-specific phishing simulations

It’s always the right time for antiphishing training, and we’ve got some new content to fuel your next phishing resistance training campaigns. These six new phishing simulations are centered around banks in New Zealand and Canada and they’re now available in your BullPhish ID portal. 

  1. Kiwibank – New Message (New Zealand)
  2. Kiwibank – Unsuccessful Login Attempts (New Zealand)
  3. Kiwibank – Verify Your Account Information (New Zealand)
  4. Tangerine Bank – Unauthorized Transaction (Canada)
  5. Tangerine Bank – Verify Your Account (Canada)
  6. Tangerine Bank – Account Closure Notice (Canada) 

Learn more about these fresh phishing simulations and other BullPhish ID news in the Release Notes. LEARN MORE>>

Learn more about growing supply chain risk for businesses and how to mitigate it in a fresh eBook. DOWNLOAD IT>>

The 2024 Cybersecurity Monster Hunter’s Checklist is here

You don’t have to say its name three times to summon one of today’s cybersecurity horrors; they’re always lurking in the shadows, ready to strike. This checklist can help you vanquish 2024’s cybersecurity nightmares while getting your defenses ready to fight the next generation of dangerous cybersecurity threats. Arm yourself with our Cybersecurity Monster Hunter’s Checklist and be ready!


Did you miss…the eBook The Anti-phishing Email Security Buyer’s Guide? DOWNLOAD IT>>

AI phishing represented by a robotic face behind several conversation bubbles

See why choosing a smarter SOC is a smart business decision. DOWNLOAD AN EBOOK>>

TODAY! Stay Ahead of Cyberthreats: Exclusive Findings from Kaseya’s 2024 Cybersecurity Survey

October 17, 2024 | 1 PM ET / 10 AM PT

Our 2024 Kaseya Cybersecurity Survey Report offers key insights on AI’s impact, phishing trends and ransomware – and you can be among the first to hear about them! Join our webinar to explore these findings including:

  • The growing role of AI for both threat actors and defenders
  • How user behavior has emerged as a major challenge and how to address it
  • Data-backed insights on how to prepare for 2025 and beyond


October 17: Kaseya+Datto Connect Local Washington D.C. REGISTER NOW>>

October 24: Business Email Compromise (BEC) Essentials You Need to Know to Keep Your Business Safe REGISTER NOW>>

October 28 – 30: Kaseya DattoCon (Miami) REGISTER NOW>>

November 12 – 14: Kaseya DattoCon APAC (Sydney) REGISTER NOW>>

Explore how AI technology helps businesses mount a strong defense against phishing GET INFOGRAPHIC>>

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