Category: Sales & Marketing

September 20, 2020

Improve Security in a Flash with a Strong Password Manager

Sell more Dark Web monitoring with these free tools to bring home the real danger of the Dark Web to your clients (and get a quick brush up yourself)!

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social media is a data breach risk represented by a phone schowing social media icons
September 14, 2020

3 Ways That Social Media is a Data Breach Risk – and How to Fight Back

Social media is a data breach risk- and a must-have for today’s companies. Here are 3 threats posed by social media and how to mitigate them.

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A hacker in a balaclava and striped shirt reaches out of a laptop screen to steal login credentials from another laptop.
September 06, 2020

MSPs: Use These Tools to Sell Dark Web Monitoring

Sell more Dark Web monitoring with these free tools to bring home the real danger of the Dark Web to your clients (and get a quick brush up yourself)!

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2021 cybersecurity marketing planning
August 31, 2020

Start Your 2021 MSP Cybersecurity Marketing Planning Now!

MSPs: 2021 is just around the corner. Have you started making your 2021 MSP Cybersecurity Marketing Plan? Here are some resources to get you started.

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create a 2021 cybersecurity plan with experts in this webinar trilogy
August 27, 2020

Use Secrets from the Masters to Create a 2021 Cybersecurity Plan

Before you create a 2021 cybersecurity plan, join us for A Cybersecurity Trilogy: PREDICT, PROTECT, PLAN. Featuring experts from around the world including Dr. Jessica Barker, Matt Seely, and Shivvy Jervis taking you on an epic journey to transform you into a Cybersecurity Planning Jedi

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back to school cybersecurity written on a tablet on a desk top with school supplies
August 21, 2020

Cybersecurity Marketing: 3 Wins for MSPs & Back to School

MSPs: Don’t miss the cybersecurity marketing opportunities that back to school and distance learning buzz creates for your business. Use these 3 marketing tips to connect with your clients, boost your profile, and do great community outreach all at the same time!

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August 17, 2020

10 Facts About the State of Cybersecurity Education (and Why That Matters to Your Business)

These are 10 facts you’ll want to know about the state of cybersecurity education in the US as K – 12 students go back to school and share networks with parents who are still working from home, creating unexpected risk for your business.

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healthcare cyberattacks are sometimes caused by dark web information represented by a thumbprint and computer code
August 07, 2020

Want to Solve Data Breach Mysteries with Experts?

Solve data breach mysteries (virtually) with renowned experts at Cyber Tri Fecta Capture the Flag, 8/11 – 13. See how this event can boost your business and reserve one of our last spaces!

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August 06, 2020

Level Up Your Business with These 3 MSP Webinars

Ready for some killer sales and marketing hacks? These 3 new MSP webinars are packed with tips and strats to powerlevel your business!

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msp strategy for cybersecurity threats demonstrated through white text in a blue box
July 31, 2020

Guest Post: Clarify IT Needs With This MSP Strategy for Cybersecurity Threats

Guest blogger Mit Patel of Netstar IT Support illustrates a creative approach to demonstrating dark web threats and the value of layered protection to clients.

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